
Materi Bahasa Inggris - Asking and Giving Permission

Definition of permission for English Language Learners: the right or ability to do something that is given by someone who has the power to decide if it will be allowed or permitted (merriam-webster com)

Asking for Permission

Informal form
  • Can I ... 
  • Can I go out tonight? 
  • Can I play the XBOX now? 
  • Can I go to toilet? 
  • Can Rudi go with us? 
  • Can Sheila eat the shrimp? 
The use of "Can I do something?" is very informal, and considered incorrect by many. However, it is used in everyday informal speech and for that reason, has been included in daily conversation.

Catatan: (translate to Bahasa Indonesia)
Penggunaan "Can I do something?" Sangat informal, dan dianggap salah oleh banyak orang. Namun, ini digunakan dalam pidato informal sehari-hari dan oleh karena itu, ungkapan ini disertakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari

Read also:Formal and Informal Greeting

Formal form
  • May I ... 
  • May I go now? 
  • May I have the book? 
Traditionally, the use of "May I do something?" has always been used for asking permission. In modern society, this form has become more formal and is often replaced with other form such "Can I.." or "Could I.."

Catatan: (translate to Bahasa Indonesia)

Secara tradisi, penggunaan "May I do something?" Selalu digunakan untuk meminta izin. Di masyarakat modern, bentuk ini menjadi lebih formal dan sering diganti dengan bentuk lain seperti "Can I.." atau "Could I.."
  • Could I please... 
  • Could I please go with you to the concert? 
  • Could we go on trip next week? 
  • Could you please accompany her to the zoo tomorrow? 
  • Do you think I could... 
  • Do you think I could use your laptop? 
  • Do you think I could borrow your camera? 
  • Do you think I could take your sister to the exhibition? 
  • Would it be possible for me... 
  • Would it be possible for me to use your computer for few minutes? 
  • Would it be possible for me to study in this room? 
  • Would you mind if I... (verb in past) 
  • Would you mind if I stayed here a few for minutes? 
  • Would you mind if I took a five minutes break? 
  • Would you mind if I... (Verb+ing+your+object) 
  • Would you mind my using your phone? 
  • Would you mind my playing your guitar? 
Giving Permission

If you would like to say "Yes" to someone who ask permissions, you can give permission using these phrases:

(Translate to Bahasa Indonesia => Jika kamu ingin mengatakan "Ya" kepada seseorang yang meminta izin, kamu dapat memberi ijin menggunakan kalimat berikut ini:)
  • Yes, of course. 
  • Sure. 
  • No problem 
  • Go right ahead 
  • Refusing Permission
If you do not want to give permission, you can deny it with these responses:

(Translate to Bahasa Indonesia
=> Jika kamu tidak ingin memberikan ijin, kamu dapat menolaknya dengan kalimat seperti ini:)
  • I'm afraid I'd prefer if you didn't / don't 
  • Sorry, but I'd rather you not do that 
  • Unfortunately, I need to say no 
  • I'm afraid that's not possible 

Source: spm book, publisher erlangga

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Materi Bahasa Inggris - Asking and Giving Permission